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When you are feeling uncertain, afraid or alone?!

Before I ever found out I was pregnant with my son, I just always knew that I would never be the parent that would let their kids in my bed. I was so opposed to my kids sleeping with me. First, because I enjoy sleeping uninterrupted without an arm or a foot slapping me in the face while I am sleeping. Second I always imagined this world that my intimate time with my significant other would be "intimating" on a daily... you get me drift. Truth be told any time I have had my kids in the bed with me, it is literally the best sleep that they EVER have.

Well now that I am a single mama, uninterrupted sleep is far and few, and well the intimate part we ain't got to worry about. It appears that no matter how much comfort I give my toddlers soothe my little ones before bedtime, it never fails, they wake up in the middle of the night every once in awhile because they want their mommy. Sometime they feel scared, alone, or just want my warm embrace because they just need to feel my presence. They might even feel like I have abandoned them, not knowing I am in the next room, they still need to see me before closing their eyes and going back to sleep.

At times within our lives we have awakening moments like my children and we call out to God because of uncertainly, fear, a sense of isolation or maybe just the need for a hug. We yearn to see His presence but when we don't hear back from Him we think that He is not there. But just like my children, though we can't see Him, He is always there hearing our every cry out to Him. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you, Joshua 1:5. To forsake means to abandon, leave, or quite.

Take comfort today that you are never alone, that you are heard when no one else might hear you and you are loved.


Ericka Warnita

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