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Have you lost sight of your true beauty?

We all see the videos with the little child who are stating affirmations after their mother or father as they stand looking in the mirror with innocent eyes. What a wonderful practice this is to instill into a young mind. Those words could be something that may never part from them. But what happens when the child’s innocent eyes are exposed to a monumental amount of labels and disguises. What happens when the truth that they state to themselves as a child becomes blinded behind a vail of uncertainty and distain? What point of time is it when we as young children stops stating those affirmations just to listen to the society that knows only what they can pick at on social media but fail to see the truth behind who we truly are? Just some questions you can chew on with some food for thought.

There are many teens and adults who wake up every morning look into a mirror and see right passed the beauty that they once saw so clearly as a child. It is a mere blur. For many people as we get older our physical eyes require us to get glasses or contacts because of the strain that is put on our eyes due to many factors. But what and why is it that when we grow with maturity that we lose the vision of our self-worth and value?

I was that child that saw clearly. On the other hand, I was once that teenage who began to get cataracts on my eyes. However, as I grew older I realized that it was never about what I saw. It was more about the thought I put behind what I saw. Our human body responds off of the brain. A.K.A. The Mind. The control system. THE BOSS! When the brain conjures up what we call a thought it sends signals to the body part or system that it wants to receive the signal. Once the signal is received the body further acts upon that thought. Do you know how many thoughts we have per day? A whoopin’ 50,000-70,000 thoughts! This sista’ is about 30-45 thoughts per minute! So think about if your mind begins to think you’re not good enough when you look in the mirror in the morning. And say you spend about 15-20 minutes in the mirror. Let’s do the math ladies! pulls out calculator * That is over 450 thoughts in that little bitty time span! OMG! And if your mind moves like mine it is probably 1,000 thoughts or more that you could be thinking while looking in the mirror just in the morning.

Now Sis I am not trying to take yall back to math class in school but I am trying to school yall into learning that what we see all comes from our minds. If we are thinking 450 thoughts in 15 minutes and the majority of our thoughts in front of our mirror is about our appearance. What do you think we are always going to see if all of those thoughts are negative thoughts? You control your mind. “YOU” is the keyword here. No one else can control your mind. Last time I checked I never meet anyone who could control my mind. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t want to meet anyone who could and I am sure you wouldn’t want to either. So the moral here is that you control your mind.

What you always have to remember is that as a man or woman thinketh so is he or she. So every time you think a thought, for instance, “you don’t look as gorgeous as your sister you see on Instagram”, then your eyes begin to be distorted and they begin to see an ugly person. Or a person that is nothing but flaws.

Can we be real on here on this blog?!

I learned through a lot of time and patience that I had to change my way of thinking. When I practiced this over and over again it stopped being a practice and became my life. I took the veil off of my eyes and it revealed the true beauty of who I am. Not just on a physical aspect but on spiritual and mental facets as well. What I had to do is get to the root of why I thought the way I did and then that opened the door for me to be able to change my way of thinking. Once I did this I blossomed tremendously into a beautiful human being inside and out.

Some of us tend to say we know our worth but our actions don’t align with this belief. I’m going to leave that for another blog post but I encourage you to change your mindset. Set your mind like you set an alarm clock as my pastor would say. When you set an alarm clock you expect to be woken up for something whether its school, work, or an event. Set your mind like an alarm clock so that you can expect an awakening in your eyes to see a brighter day and a beautiful you.


Ericka Warnita

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